Monday, May 27, 2019

My Life is a Contradiction

I just returned from a cellular dead zone and that always inspires a lot of introspective thinking.  I took the Lab's Field Members to Mills Canyon, New Mexico.  There isn't good cell reception within 30 miles of the canyon and even that is sometimes spotty.  I was completely offline for 96 hours.  So I got a chance to think and talk to new people about ideas, life, and of course, snakes.  While we were sitting around the campfire, we talked a little about the love languages of our children.  I had Ashton with me and his love language is touch - he absolutely loves siting in laps and snuggling.  My love language is also touch but that is where the contradiction lies.

About 10 years ago, I visited a good friend of mine from graduate school who now lives in Fort Collins.  When I walked in the door, his wife gave me a huge hug and I completely ruined everything.  My body went rigid and I failed miserably at returning her affection.  She was genuinely excited and happy to see me but I couldn't reciprocate despite being just as happy and excited to see her.  This makes no sense because my love language is touch.  Some people that know me well might disagree because they know I don't like to be touched but that is just a part of it. Quality time and affirmations are both up there in importance for me but nothing beats the affirmation that a simple and easy touch can give me.  But not just anyone can touch me...

There is that contradiction again. Cameron wants to be touched but doesn't?  This is where I thought and thought over the weekend.  How did this come about?  I am the youngest of five kids - I was probably over touched as a kid so now only reserve touching to those I really care about.  What are the situations where someone can touch me and I don't flinch like I did in Fort Collins?  There are really only two.  

The first one is easy - at the Lab.  Almost every day, a child at the Lab will climb into my lap or slide under my arm to get a better look at a snake or some other critter. I never flinch when this happens.  It actually magnifies what I am doing at the moment - TEACHING!  I know I am big, loud, and sometimes very excitable at the Lab when talking about snakes but to see a child so comfortable that they can climb into my lap to get a better look - that is my love language.  It fills my soul and reinforces my passion for teaching others about snakes.

The second one comes from someone that has been given at least some access into my inner world.  I never give complete access to this part of me (not yet at least) but some people know me well enough for me to allow them to touch me.  My college roommate is one of those people.  He can hug me.  He can grab my ass.  He can feel up my man boobs.  He even tries to make me uncomfortable with touch but he is so deep inside my inner world that his touches are love not annoyance.  An example of the opposite happened at the lab recently.  One of my volunteers gave me a hug and I froze again. I completely went rigid and I felt terrible because this volunteer was reaching out to me and telling me how much she appreciated the Lab.  Now I think the word is out to "not touch Cameron" and this is actually the opposite of what I want.  I may not want to hug you but touch is very important to me.  

So how should someone touch me if I let them? 

A hand on my shoulder or upper back is always welcome.  It tells me that you are engaged with me in whatever we are doing.  I can always tell if a kid at that Lab is in or has been at a Montessori school.  They use this sort of touch as silent communication and it works well with me. It is simple and very effective and for me, really affirms that we are on the same page.  It also affirms that you trust and like me enough to physically touch me.   

A more intimate touch that I probably won't allow any of you reading this blog do with me is to share an armrest.  I cannot stand to be touched on an airplane or bus by someone that I don't know but to bump elbows with someone I really like on an armrest is incredibly affirming to me.  Most of you are probably laughing at this right now and wondering how this could ever be considered an intimate touch.  Welcome to Cameron's inner world where things are complete contradictions.  Yes, touching elbows is nice.  

If you really want to push the touch boundaries with me, try leaning into me if we are standing next to each other.  I bet I step away very quickly.  If I don't, it means I trust you enough to allow our bodies to touch.  Yep. I am weird that way.  This lean is incredibly affirming to me and I read into it that you like me.  Actually, don't try this one.  See my life is a contradiction...

Now to throw a huge wrench into my love languages.  I have said that touch is my love language followed closely by affirmation and quality time.  That said, I love gifts despite the fact that I don't think that I am worthy of gifts so if my best friend brings me a bottle of tequila, it sends me for a total loop.  I don't know what to think.  I love it but it scares me senseless.  What does it mean?  Do I owe them something?  This is a really nice gesture but how should I act?  I try to say "thank you" but it rarely comes out right.  Someone likes me enough to give me a gift???  That is crazy talk and a huge contradiction to my beliefs about myself.  Seriously,  I rarely even drink the beer that people bring to my house although I appreciate it immensely. I prefer to drink my own beer because I do not know how to accept a gift.  My sister-in-law has been working on this one with me over the last several years but I still suck at it.  I love gifts - just don't be surprised if I try to give it back to you.  

1 comment:

  1. Insekten verursachen viele Probleme im Haus, und ein Kammerjäger könnte die Schädlinge leicht aus dem Haus entfernen, indem er eine Reihe umweltfreundlicher Produkte verwendet. Der besondere Kammerjäger mit guter Erfahrung kann Ihnen sofort die ausreichenden Ergebnisse liefern. Um die Spur des Kammerjäger und Haustiere zu verstehen , können die Leute auf den nachfolgenden Link verweisen.
